
OLBRICH donates EUR 4,000 to charitable institutions

As in previous years, OLBRICH GmbH is supporting charitable institutions in its region with donations amounting to a total of 4,000 euros.

The recipients of the donations are Jugendfarm Mit Dir e.V. and Förderverein Overbergschule e.V.
Bastian Kuhl (CEO) and Rolf Langkamp (CTO), OLBRICH GmbH, handed over the symbolic checks.

"It is a matter of concern to us to engage ourselves socially and we are glad to be able to make a contribution to this special engagement and to support charitable organizations again this year.", said Rolf Langkamp.

Photo f.l.t.r.: Nadja Kaszubowski, Rolf Langkamp, Sandra Isensee, Lea Tabea Vogelsang, Heidi Vöcking, Bastian Kuhl

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